Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day - Tips and Tricks

Today is a snow day so I thought I would share some things that help keep my classroom a little more organized.
This is our weather station and is located next to the calendar. I used a page protector and hot glued it to the wall for our weather graph. I use a dry erase marker to write the month and color in the space. At the end of the month I clean it and we start all over. Since I only needed one copy I splurged and made it with color ink.  (students have their own copy to complete each day)
We check the temperature each day and write it under our thermometer, this is just a piece of laminated construction paper. I hung the thermometer up with a shower hook or curtain hook I don't remember where it came from but it is metal and clips together, it just hangs from a plastic hook that is hot glued to the wall. This makes it easier for me to take it down and change the temperature. 
I also have a little holder for my dry erase marker that is hot glued. The other items are also hot glued to the wall, because they are laminated the glue comes off easy. 
I use Velcro dots on the Today's weather so it is easy to change out. You can't see but behind the thermometer I have a pouch that holds the pieces that go with the weather.

This is my calendar that I love. I bought it the first year I taught (which was just two years ago this is my third year) from Lakeshore.
I did change the month to go with my theme of frogs, I added Velcro dots to the calendar and the month because the pocket that is on the calendar was to small. I also use different numbers than the ones that came with it because it did fall one time my first year and some of the numbers were lost. 
My room has a lot of moisture in it and even hot glue doesn't always hold up to moisture. I run a dehumidifier but this happened while we were off for Spring Break my first year and I was afraid to use to much hot glue, but not anymore.
I hot glued hooks on the wall to hang my calendar on the wall. I also hot glued a month and days of the week chart above the calendar. We say these each day during calendar time.
I bought this number chart this year from Lakeshore. I love it because it includes so much and is all in one spot. The chart has pockets to hold all the pieces needed. The only down side to this chart is that it only goes to twelve. Our students have to know number words through twenty-five, so I plan on making pieces to use with this chart that go to twenty-five or at least to twenty.

Another buy from Lakeshore. I also bought this my first year when I got the calendar. I have to say they have all been money well spent. Again I love this chart because everything I need is in one spot. The chart has pockets where everything is stored.

I used the shower curtain clips to hang over the top the bulletin board. Hot glue doesn't stay on the metal very well if you are hanging something heavy.
I guess I could have called this things I love :0) I hope you enjoyed seeing a few pics of some more things that make my days easier and a little more organized. As always I would love to hear about things you use in your class that make your days easier and more organized.

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